EisnerAmper Ireland hosts INED Forum III 2018 with Insurance Ireland on SEAR

On Thursday 22 November 2018, EisnerAmper Ireland & Insurance Ireland hosted the third in a series of INED fora in the St. Stephen’s Green Hibernian Club, Dublin 2, the final gathering in 2018 of the Industry INED community under the auspices of the Insurance Ireland – EisnerAmper Ireland INED Forum.
The event focused on the potential impacts and implications, for the industry, of proposals which have been outlined in recent speeches by, amongst others, the Central Bank of Ireland’s Director of Enforcement (August 2018), the Director of Securities and Markets Supervision (September 2018) and more recently by the wider senior management team at the Central Bank’s conference on Culture, Diversity and the Way Forward (October 2018) referencing proposals for the adoption of a Senior Executive Accountability Regime, or “SEAR”.
This proposed regime would place obligations on firms and senior individuals within them to set out clearly where responsibility and decision-making lie for their business. The new regime is intended to be modelled on the UK’s Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR).
Dave Montgomery, Partner, Head of Risk & Regulatory at EisnerAmper Ireland gave an introductory presentation outlining the background to the proposed SEAR regime and acted as the MC for the afternoon and the speakers included:
- Mary Fulton, INED
- Seamus Creedon, INED; and
- Jennifer Hoban, Insurance Ireland
EisnerAmper Ireland is delighted to be working with Insurance Ireland and their dedicated INED Council, supporting the delivery of their Annual INED Seminar in February and co-hosting a series of bespoke INED Fora throughout 2018. As the voice of insurance actively promoting the highest standards, Insurance Ireland represents 95% of the domestic market and more than 80% of Ireland’s international life insurance market. The Insurance Ireland INED Council promotes best practice for insurance industry INEDs in addition to acting as a sounding board for entities, organising appropriate training and acting as a networking hub.
At EisnerAmper, we deliver business & compliance solutions to make trade happen.
As Head of Risk & Regulatory at EisnerAmper Ireland, Dave Montgomery leads a team in the provision of regulatory, risk management, audit and advisory solutions to Insurers and Reinsurers operating in or through Ireland. As a former regulator with the Central Bank of Ireland, Dave supervised insurance and reinsurance firms and also worked on the development and implementation of the PRISMTM framework. If we can assist you or your business in any way, please contact Dave Montgomery.
Contact Dave Montgomery
The increased enforcement capabilities of financial regulators globally has led many (re)insurers to consider how they can best demonstrate the manner in which they satisfy their regulatory requirements in a cost-efficient and compliant manner. We provide specialist Insurance Regulatory Compliance Services to help you meet your regulatory compliance and corporate governance requirements. To read more about our specialist Insurance Regulatory Compliance Services, click here.
Latest News →EisnerAmper Ireland hosts INED Forum II 2018 with Insurance Ireland
On Thursday 27 September 2018, EisnerAmper Ireland & Insurance Ireland hosted the second in a series of INED fora in the St. Stephen’s Green Hibernian Club, Dublin 2. The event focused on two topics concerning INEDs in the Insurance Industry: International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 17 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Dave Montgomery, Partner, Head of Risk & Regulatory at EisnerAmper Ireland acted as the MC for the afternoon and the speakers included:
- Ray Kelly, Partner, Financial Services, EisnerAmper Ireland
- Dermot Corry, Principal, Milliman
- Stephen Gormley, Regulatory Compliance Manager, EisnerAmper Ireland
- Garrett O’Neill, Assistant Commissioner, Office of the Data Protection Commissioner

EisnerAmper Ireland & Insurance Ireland INED Forum II. From left to right: David Montgomery, EisnerAmper Ireland; Dermot Corry, Principal, Milliman; Ray Kelly, EisnerAmper Ireland; Brendan McCarthy, BMC Consulting; Stephen Gormley, Manager, EisnerAmper Ireland. Photo credit: Iain White Photography
EisnerAmper Ireland is delighted to be working with Insurance Ireland and their dedicated INED Council, supporting the delivery of their Annual INED Seminar in February and co-hosting a series of bespoke INED Fora throughout 2018. As the voice of insurance actively promoting the highest standards, Insurance Ireland represents 95% of the domestic market and more than 80% of Ireland’s international life insurance market. The Insurance Ireland INED Council promotes best practice for insurance industry INEDs in addition to acting as a sounding board for entities, organising appropriate training and acting as a networking hub.
At EisnerAmper, we design business & compliance solutions to make trade happen.
As Head of Risk & Regulatory at EisnerAmper Ireland, Dave Montgomery leads a team in the provision of regulatory, risk management, audit and advisory solutions to Insurers and Reinsurers operating in or through Ireland. As a former regulator with the Central Bank of Ireland, Dave supervised insurance and reinsurance firms and also worked on the development and implementation of the PRISMTM framework. If we can assist you or your business in any way, please contact Dave Montgomery.
Contact Dave Montgomery
The implementation of IFRS 17, Solvency II, GDPR and other developments across the regulatory landscape have led many (re)insurers to consider how they can best demonstrate the manner in which they satisfy their regulatory requirements in a cost-efficient and compliant manner. We provide specialist Insurance Regulatory Compliance Services to help you meet your regulatory compliance and corporate governance requirements. To read more about our specialist Insurance Regulatory Compliance Services, click here.
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