
EisnerAmper Ireland | Facilitating trade, understanding markets. Ireland

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Week 10 – Masters Sunday

Aidan Lundy | Masters Sunday | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Aidan Lundy

Ruairi and I are still working full time in the client’s offices and will be for the foreseeable future. I’m progressing through my sections and have been assigned some additional areas of the audit. As audit busy season winds-down here in the US, we are hoping some additional staff will be assigned to our teams to help with the large amount of fieldwork that is to be completed.

Having worked on Saturday morning, Ruairi, Joey, Shaun and myself went to the batting cages at Chelsea Piers. We had a great day out and then on Sunday enjoyed watching the greatest golfer of all time win the Masters.

US secondees blog 2019

Week 10 – A Trip to Chelsea Pier

Shaun Boyle | A Trip to Chelsea Pier | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Shaun Boyle

Myself and Joseph were back in New York this week, splitting our time between the New York office and the New Jersey office. We will be heading back to the client site in Westwood Massachusetts next week to continue our work.

Now that the baseball season is getting into full swing, Joey, Aidan, Ruairi and myself went to Chelsea Pier to practice our batting. We then met a colleague from the New York office and had a few drinks for her birthday.

US secondees blog 2019

Week 9 – A Trip to Boston

Ruairi Feehan | A Trip to Boston | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Ruairi Feehan

Our client engagement has been really busy over the last couple of weeks. In this time period, we have moved from the planning stage of the engagement to fieldwork and I have been assigned members of staff to assist me. I’m delegating work to the more junior members of the team and providing assistance to them when required. I’m working from the client’s site which means there is interaction with the client on a daily basis.

Over the weekend, the secondment team paid a visit to Boston for some much needed R&R. The weather was beautiful over the weekend which added to the trip. We did a bus tour of the city which included a very knowledgeable tour guide who explained the history of the city, including the famous Boston Tea Party protest in 1773. Boston is a beautiful city and I definitely plan to return again!

US secondees blog 2019

Week 9 – A Weekend in Boston!

Joey Halligan | A Weekend in Boston | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Joey Halligan

Shaun and I are back in New York for the week which gives us a chance to catch up with some of our New York colleagues. As EisnerAmper’s busy season is now winding down, an additional manager has been allocated to our engagement team and we are looking forward to meeting them at the end of the week.

Last weekend we decided to take a trip to Boston where we stayed in ‘Southie’ a well known Irish neighbourhood in South Boston. On Saturday night we visited Landsdowne Street which is where Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox, is located. We went to the Bleacher Bar which is actually underneath the bleacher seats in the stadium and you can see the full outfield through the windows.

US secondees blog 2019

Insurance Ireland INED Forum supported by EisnerAmper Ireland

Insurance Ireland | INED Forum | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

On Thursday, 11 April, Insurance Ireland, supported by EisnerAmper Ireland, hosted the latest in the INED Forum series in the St. Stephens Green Club, Dublin.  The event was a great success and we were delighted to have the opportunity for members of our team to connect with the Insurance & Reinsurance INED community.  The theme of this Forum was “Effective management & oversight of outsourced service providers – focus on demonstrable implementation from the INED perspective”.

Dave Montgomery, Partner and Head of Risk & Regulatory at EisnerAmper Ireland moderated the event. The keynote speakers were Ciaran McGettrick, Managing Director at Phoenix Group Ireland and Lisa O’Mahony, Head of Advisory & Inspections of Governance, Operational & Insurance Risk from the Central Bank of Ireland.

EisnerAmper Ireland is delighted to continue working with Insurance Ireland and their INED Council.  As the voice of insurance actively promoting the highest standards, Insurance Ireland represents 95% of the domestic market and more than 80% of Ireland’s international life insurance market.  The Insurance Ireland INED Council promotes best practice for insurance industry INEDs in addition to acting as a sounding board for entities, organising appropriate training and acting as a networking hub.


Insurance Ireland | INED Forum | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

We deliver specialist Insurance Regulatory Compliance Services to help you meet your regulatory compliance and corporate governance requirements.

EisnerAmper Ireland is a firm of specialist accountants with a niche focus on the Financial Services, International Trade and Government sectors.  As Head of Risk & Regulatory at EisnerAmper Ireland, Dave Montgomery leads a team in the provision of regulatory, risk management, audit and advisory solutions to Insurers and Reinsurers operating in or through Ireland.  As a former regulator with the Central Bank of Ireland, Dave supervised insurance and reinsurance firms and also worked on the development and implementation of the PRISMTM framework.  If we can assist you or your business in any way, please contact Dave Montgomery.

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Zero Hour Contracts – Employer Update

Zero Hour Contracts Employer Update Image | Payroll Services | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

What Is A Zero Hour Contract?

A Zero Hour contract is an employment contract that does not guarantee an employee a minimum number of working hours, whilst still requiring the employee to be available for work either for a certain number of hours or when required by the employer (or both).

Zero Hour Contracts vs If And When Contracts

Under a Zero Hour contract there is an obligation on the employer to offer work to the employee and an obligation on the employee to accept the offer of work.  If the employee is not offered hours during the time when they are expected to be available, the employer must compensate the employee.

Alternatively, if an employee and an employer agree a contract that does not oblige either party to provide work or be available for work, this is known as an If and When contract.  As there is no mutuality of obligation, anyone working under an If and When contract could be considered a contractor rather than an employee.

Zero Hour Contract Legislation Update For Employers

Under legislation that came into effect on 4 March 2019, the use of Zero Hour contracts is now restricted in most circumstances. Employers must now inform their staff of the number of hours they would be reasonably expected to work in a normal working day and a normal working week.


Zero Hour contracts can still be used in the following situations:

  • Where there is a casual nature to the employment;
  • During a period of emergency; and
  • When short-term cover for absences is a necessity.

Terms Of Employment

Employers are now obliged to provide workers with a written statement of the five core terms of their employment within five days of starting work.  The terms are:

  • The full names of the employer and employee;
  • The employer’s address;
  • The duration of the contract, including the end date for fixed-term contracts;
  • The rate of pay and method of calculation; and
  • The reasonably expected number of hours in a normal day and week.

Zero Hour Contracts Employer Update Image | Payroll Services | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

– Zero Hour Contract Minimum Payments

Key elements of the updated legislation relate to minimum payments.  For example, if an employee is not called into work, they are entitled to be paid for 25% of the hours they would have reasonably been expected to work, at a rate of 3 times the national minimum wage.  Therefore, an employee whose contract requires them to be available for 20 hours per week should be paid for a minimum of five hours in the event of not being offered work in any given week.

Banded Hours

Where an employee’s actual number of working hours over a 12 month period is in excess of the hours stated in their contract they can request to be given a Banded Hours contract. A Banded Hours contract guarantees an employee an average number of hours of work within one of the following bands:

Bands of weekly working hours From To
Band A 3 hours 6 hours
Band B 6 hours 11 hours
Band C 11 hours 16 hours
Band D 16 hours 21 hours
Band E 21 hours 26 hours
Band F 26 hours 31 hours
Band G 31 hours 36 hours
Band H 36 hours and over


How EisnerAmper Ireland Can Help

Payroll administrators in Ireland operate in a heavily regulated space with legislative changes continually coming down the line which add new administrative requirements to existing work practices.

At EisnerAmper Ireland, our dedicated outsourced payroll professionals possess the knowledge and experience required to ensure you are fully compliant with current and future legislation, without impacting on the day to day running of your business.

Learn more about our Outsourced Payroll Services here.
Request a payroll quote or request a callback from our specialists now.

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Week 8 – A Trip to Ellis Island

Shaun Boyle | A Trip to Ellis Island | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Shaun Boyle

Joseph Halligan, a fellow Secondee, and I are still working in Massachusetts at the client’s headquarters. We are in the testing phase of the audit. We will probably be here until the end of April and then back in the New York office to complete the audits.

I had some family visiting from both Ireland and Philadelphia during the weekend so I was able to fit in some tourist attractions with them. The sun was shining on Saturday so we made a trip out to Ellis Island. They have a database of everyone who arrived between 1915 and 1960. We were able to find records of both my grandparents who emigrated to America from Ireland in the 1950s.

US secondees blog 2019

Week 8 – Yankees in the Bronx!

Yankees in the Bronx | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Aidan Lundy

Myself and Ruairi are now working full time in the client’s offices. This week I worked on the Reconciliation and Sampling documents for my sections of the audit. After being signed-off by the Senior Manager on the engagement, I began making my selections for testing which were later issued to the client.

Myself, Ruairi and Joey (my fellow Secondees) journeyed into the Bronx on Saturday where we went to a Yankees game. Unfortunately, the Yankees lost but we still had a great day out.

US secondees blog 2019

Week 7 – Central Park Views

Joey Halligan | Secondee Blog | audit testing | EisnerAmper Ireland

Joey Halligan

We are now into our fourth week at the client’s site in Massachusetts and our audit testing is beginning to pick up pace. Shaun and I are supervising a team of 3 other staff members. We are hoping to have most of our audit testing completed in the next 2 weeks to allow us to wrap up this portion of the audit back in New York.

On Saturday, we took advantage of our first weekend of warm weather in New York and made a trip to Central Park to unwind and throw around an American football. It’s safe to say our technique could improve but it was a great day with a nice view of the city.

US secondees blog 2019

Week 7 – Eyes on the Prize!

Ruairi Feehan | US Secondee Blog | Engagement Progresses | EisnerAmper Ireland

Ruairi Feehan

Aidan and I are working from the client’s offices on a daily basis as the engagement progresses. We are enjoying having direct access to the client. I’m gaining valuable experience in US GAAP and auditing an alternative investments management company is proving to be both challenging and rewarding.

Last Saturday Aidan, Joey, Shaun and I went to Central Park for the afternoon for some relaxation. We threw an American Football around and got some much needed exercise! As you can see in my photo I have my eyes on the prize and needless to say if the Giants need a replacement for OBJ I can step up!

US secondees blog 2019

EisnerAmper Ireland hosts coffee morning for Daffodil Day 2019

Daffodil Day 2019 Image | CSR | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

On Friday, 22 March 2019, EisnerAmper Ireland hosted a coffee morning in aid of the Irish Cancer Society for Daffodil Day 2019.  We were delighted to support such an excellent cause while enjoying some delicious cakes bought and made by our EisnerAmper Ireland team.

Every year Daffodil Day sees thousands of volunteers selling daffodil pins and flowers on streets, in businesses and homes across Ireland; or hosting a Daffodil Day Coffee Morning to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society’s nationwide care services for those with, and affected by, cancer in Ireland. For more details or to make a donation, please see the Irish Cancer Society’s website here.

Daffodil Day 2019 | CSR | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

EisnerAmper Ireland, we deliver solutions to support our community.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is integral to how we do business and manage interactions, not just with our employees and clients but also our wider community and society as a whole.  As a professional services firm, demonstrating ethical high performance in all aspects of our work and how we run our firm is fundamental to our success.  Learn more about our CSR policy here and our CSR initiatives here.

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Week 6 – Broadway!

Aidan Lundy

With the majority of client information received, we began work validating populations to ensure completeness and accuracy on our job. We spent two days at the client’s offices which are located on the west side of the city as well as one day in EisnerAmper’s New Jersey office.

I went to see the Book of Mormon on Broadway last Thursday night which was excellent and enjoyed celebrating St. Patrick’s Day on Saturday but unfortunately there was no Bank Holiday for us here in the USA!

US secondees blog 2019