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EisnerAmper Ireland hosts Learn, Dine, Connect: Structured Finance Technical & Industry Updates

Ronan Murphy | Line Dine Connect | Structured Finance | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

On Thursday, 13 June 2019, EisnerAmper Ireland hosted the first in its two-part series of technical and industry updates for the structured finance community in Shanahan’s on the Green.  The event provided an opportunity to discuss the important challenges currently facing the Structured Finance industry, and also to look to the future and highlight any potential developments that may affect the industry going forward.  Topics discussed on the night were:

  • The Structured Finance Journey – and the role of the Irish SPV’s
    Ronan Murphy, Partner, Head of Structured Finance
  • Current Compliance Challenges Facing Irish SPV’s
    Alan Garry, Partner, Audit and Advisory
  • Implementing Effective Organisational Arrangements
    Dave Montgomery, Partner, Head of Risk & Regulatory

Dave Montgomery | Line Dine Connect | Structured Finance | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

At EisnerAmper, we design and deliver business & compliance solutions to make trade happen.

At EisnerAmper Ireland, we provide audit, accounting, advisory and secondment services to securitisation companies, special purpose vehicles, Section 110 companies, aircraft leasing companies, banking institutions and financial services entities. For more information on our services to the Structured Finance industry, click here.

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Week 18 – Aidan’s Fond Farewell!

Joey Halligan | Aidan's Fond Farewell! | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Joey Halligan

In the last few days, I’ve been focusing on some of the more technical areas of my audit. This has been challenging and I’ve been in close contact with my manager when working on these sections. There have also been a number of new staff which have been added to the audit team who I met with during the week.

Last weekend we said goodbye to our colleague, Aidan Lundy, who finished his secondment with us. We celebrated his last night by going to McSorley’s Old Ale House which is considered to be the oldest bar in New York.

US secondees blog 2019

Week 18 – Audit Work

Ruairi Feehan | Audit Work | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Ruairi Feehan 

I continue to gain valuable experience working on my audit.  There’s always a lot of work to do including reviewing junior members’ work and providing support where required.  My working hours are split between working at the client’s offices in New Jersey and New York and I’m enjoying the experience of working in different environments.

Last week, we said goodbye to our dear friend, Aidan Lundy, who returned to Ireland.  To see Aidan off in style we went to Sparks Steakhouse, one of New York’s most well-known steakhouses for an excellent steak!  We were joined by three of our EisnerAmper US colleagues and one former EA US Manager.  Aidan shall be dearly missed!

US secondees blog 2019

Distance Sales – Key EU VAT Rules and Regulation Update

What Are Distance Sales?

Distance sales relate to goods sold from a business to a customer without a face to face interaction. For example, goods purchased by an individual either online, over the telephone or via mail order would be considered a distance sale.

"However digitised goods, that is goods for downloading by the customer via the internet are considered to be services within the meaning of Section 33(5)(k) of the VAT Consolidation Act 2010 for VAT purposes.” 
- Source:

When a distance sales transaction occurs between a business in one EU Member State and a private individual customer in another EU Member State, specific VAT rules apply.

Distance Sales Of Goods – VAT Rules

For the distance sales of goods between Member States, VAT must be accounted for in the Member State of the supplier, unless the distance sales threshold in the Member State of the customer has been exceeded.  If the annual value of a supplier’s sales to customers in any Member State is in excess of that State’s threshold, the supplier must register for VAT in the customer’s Member State.  However, the supplier has the option of registering for VAT in the customer’s Member State regardless of whether the threshold in that State has been exceeded.

Distance Sales of Goods Thresholds

Distance sales of goods thresholds vary from State to State.  While there are a number of exceptions, the majority of EU Member States have a distance sales threshold of either €35,000 or €100,000.

The latest list of distance sales thresholds for each Member State can be found here.

Distance Sales Shopping Image | Tax Services Insights | EisnerAmper Ireland

Distance Sales Of Services

Prior to 2019, the distance sales of services, such as digital downloads, telecommunications and broadcasting services, were always subject to VAT in the Member State of the customer.

To prevent suppliers from having to register for VAT in multiple Member States, the EU introduced the MOSS (Mini One Stop Shop) scheme, which allows suppliers to report the VAT due in any Member State via a quarterly online declaration in their home State.  Additionally, the VAT invoicing rules for the supplier’s Member State apply when the supplier uses the MOSS system.

Since 1 January 2019, distance sales of services between a supplier and customers in different EU Member States that do not exceed €10,000 in a calendar year are now subject to VAT in the supplier’s Member State. However, the supplier has the option of registering for VAT in the customer’s Member State regardless of whether the €10,000 limit has been exceeded.

Distance Sales Reporting Obligations

Suppliers should report the value of their distance sales to and from Ireland using the relevant Intrastat box on their Irish VAT return.

VAT which is not reported under the MOSS system must be calculated, reported and paid to the tax authorities in the relevant Member States according to each State’s VAT regulations.

Distance Sales Regulation Update

From 1 January 2021, the MOSS system for reporting VAT due in a customer’s Member State will be extended (and renamed OSS) to include the distance sales of goods as well as services.  The €10,000 threshold for reporting VAT to a supplier’s Member State will apply, as will the supplier’s Member State invoicing rules.  This will significantly reduce the administrative burden associated with the distance sales of goods which should translate into real savings in terms of costs and time.

How EisnerAmper Ireland Can Help

At EisnerAmper Ireland our team of dedicated tax specialists are on hand to help you negotiate the evolving landscape of cross-border tax legislation.  Contact our Tax team for expert advice on these and other changes to the distance sales tax rules which may be of benefit to your organisation.

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EisnerAmper Ireland Clodagh Byrne’s Abseil for MS Ireland

Clodagh Byrne | Abseil for MS Ireland | CSR | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

On Saturday 1 June 2019, Clodagh Byrne, Assistant Manager in the Firm’s Risk & Regulatory department, with her mother, took part in a charity abseil in Croke Park to raise money for MS Ireland. Prior to the abseil, Clodagh raised over €1,200 in sponsorship, a portion of which was donated by the Partners and her colleagues in EisnerAmper Ireland.

MS Ireland is the only national organisation providing information, support and advocacy services to the MS community. MS Ireland works with people with multiple sclerosis, their families and carers and a range of key stakeholders including health professionals, students and others interested in or concerned about multiple sclerosis.

Clodagh Byrne | Abseil for MS Ireland | CSR | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

We care about business and we care about the people we work with in business.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is integral to how we do business and manage interactions, not just with our employees and clients but also our wider community and society as a whole.  As a professional services firm, demonstrating ethical high performance in all aspects of our work and how we run our firm is fundamental to our success.  Learn more about our CSR policy here and our CSR initiatives here.

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Week 17 – Last Week in NYC!

Aidan Lundy | Last Week in NYC! | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Aidan Lundy

This is my last week in New York so I have been busy ensuring my handover and sections are complete. The audit will continue over the coming months so it is important that I pass on what I have learned onto the new Seniors on the engagement.

It is hard to believe it is time to leave New York. The past four months have been challenging but rewarding. I have learnt a huge amount and made many new connections within EA LLP while also building on relationships from my previous secondment here. Myself, Joey, Shaun and Ruairi enjoyed another trip to Boston over the weekend. We enjoyed watching game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals.

US secondees blog 2019

Week 17 – Boston Weekend

Shaun Boyle | Boston Weekend | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Shaun Boyle

Myself and my fellow Secondee Joseph Halligan were back at our client’s office in Massachusetts last week to finish the receivables and inventory testing for 2017. We are hoping to start the 2018 audit soon. I’m travelling back to Ireland on Saturday for the week and I will complete a handover with Joseph before I go so that my audit areas can continue while I’m away.

Myself, Joseph, Aidan and Ruairi spent last weekend in Boston. On Saturday, we watched the Champions League final followed by Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Final where Boston Bruins triumphed over the Saint Louis Blues 7 – 2. We then spent Sunday exploring the city.

US secondees blog 2019

EisnerAmper Ireland supports Temple Street Children’s Hospital

Techies4TempleStreet | Temple Street Children's Hospital | CSR | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

On Friday, July 5 2019, EisnerAmper Ireland will be taking part in the Techies4TempleStreet treasure trail in aid of Temple Street Children’s Hospital. EisnerAmper Ireland has entered three teams into the charity event and is taking part in a number of fundraisers this summer in aid of Temple Street Hospital which cares for 150,000 children in Ireland each year. The teams have initiated great fundraisers including a sponsored walk from our offices in Sandyford to Temple Street Children’s Hospital, a bake sale and an office quiz night to raise funds for such a worthy cause.

Techies4TempleStreet, now in its 5th year, sees over 1,600 members of the Irish business and tech communities taking to the streets of Dublin for a unique treasure trail, combining outdoor activities with digital media challenges whilst making an impact to the lives of sick children across Ireland. We are very excited to be taking part in these fundraisers and supporting such an excellent cause. To learn more about Techies4TempleStreet and how you can help, click here.

We care about business and we care about the people we work with in business.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is integral to how we do business and manage interactions, not just with our employees and clients but also our wider community and society as a whole.  As a professional services firm, demonstrating ethical high performance in all aspects of our work and how we run our firm is fundamental to our success.  Learn more about our CSR policy here and our CSR initiatives here.

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Week 16 – Learning New Skills

Ruairi Feehan | Learning New Skills | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Ruairi Feehan

As my audit experience primarily relates to the financial services sector, I’m delighted to have the opportunity to undertake an audit in a different sector. While there are elements of the engagement where I can apply my financial services experience, I’m also learning new skills through the application of US GAAP.  Being a Senior on the job comes with its challenges but I’m working with a great team and I’ve direct access to the Senior Manager on the engagement who provides additional support as required.

Recently I participated in the annual Wall Street Run & Heart Walk organised by the American Heart Association.  I was joined by two of my colleagues, Joey Halligan, a fellow secondee from Dublin and Eric Andler from the New York office. The 5k run through the often narrow streets of New York’s Financial District area was very enjoyable but at times quite crowded with over 12,000 participants.  The run was for a worthy cause and I was pleased to add my contribution.  Needless to say, I didn’t break any world records but I made it to the end!

US secondees blog 2019

Week 16 – AHA Wall Street Run

Joey Halligan | AHA Wall Street Run | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Joey Halligan

Shaun and I returned to Massachusetts for the early part of the week to meet with our client and discuss outstanding items on the audit engagement. We will be spending additional time at the client’s offices in June to close out the 2017 audit and begin the planning stages of the 2018 audit.

We had a busy weekend which began with Ruairi and I taking part in the American Heart Association Wall Street Run, a 3 mile run across New York’s financial district. Despite the very limited training, we managed to finish in a respectable time. We were also joined by two of our EisnerAmper Ireland colleagues over the weekend and we were able to make the most of the hot weather which topped 30 degrees on Sunday.

US secondees blog 2019

EisnerAmper Ireland attends the Irish Funds Annual Global Conference 2019

Gavin Lee | Ray Kelly | Irish Funds Global Conference | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

On Thursday 23 May, Ray Kelly, Audit Partner and Gavin Lee, Head of International Trade at EisnerAmper Ireland, attended the Irish Funds Annual Global Conference 2019 in the Convention Centre, Dublin. The event is a landmark in the international funds industry calendar and attracts a wide range of participants from across the international investment funds community. The conference brings together prominent industry speakers to discuss current issues and challenges facing the international investment funds industry.

Gavin Lee | Ray Kelly | Irish Funds Global Conference | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

The theme of the conference was “The Future of Funds – Evolution or Revolution?” and subjects discussed included the future of regulation, cybersecurity and the future of work.

How EisnerAmper Ireland Can Help

EisnerAmper Ireland’s multi-disciplinary financial services team has a broad range of skill-sets and experience with backgrounds in the areas of banking, industry and accounting. Through our team’s understanding and experience of the financial services sector we provide audit, tax, risk & regulatory, outsourcing and advisory services to clients doing business, raising capital and investing in Ireland and Europe.

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Week 15 – Team Training

Aidan Lundy | Team Training | US Secondee Blog | Financial Services | EisnerAmper Ireland

Aidan Lundy

We have been working closely with the Seniors who have been assigned to our teams to ensure they have a detailed understanding of the engagement and the audit file itself. As most of the Junior staff on our teams work in EisnerAmper’s New Jersey office, myself and Ruairi travel out to them regularly to review their work and guide them through new tasks to be completed.

Myself and Shaun returned to Ireland last week to sit our FAE Elective Interim Assessments. Although the majority of our time was spent studying it was nice to be home and see family and friends. Since we flew back to New York, the weather has improved greatly with temperatures over the weekend reaching 29 degrees celsius. We enjoyed a lunch in the sun at the Frying Pan Boat Bar overlooking the west side of the city, as pictured above.

US secondees blog 2019